Gothika Movie Review

Gothika movie 

Released in 2003, the film grossed $ 14.16 billion. The famous RDJ (Ironman) plays a major role in this. The story of this film is that our heroine who works as a psychiatrist went to interrogate the prisoners. There a woman told herself that a demon came every night and made a mistake. But the heroine left, claiming that the woman was mentally ill. Within a few days the heroine was locked up in the same mental prison where the same prisoners were, claiming to have killed her own husband.

So the rest of the story is about how the heroine escapes from there and how the police find out who did the wrong thing to the girl. You can not say that this is the story of this film. Is the RDJ starring in the film good? Or bad? That can never be figured out. Definitely everyone look at this picture.

Read in Tamil

2003 ą®†ą®®் ą®†ą®£்ą®Ÿு ą®µெą®³ிą®Æாą®© ą®‡ą®Ø்ą®¤ ą®Ŗą®Ÿą®®் 14.16 ą®•ோą®Ÿி ą®…ą®®ெą®°ிą®•்ą®• ą®Ÿாą®²ą®°்ą®•ą®³ை ą®µą®šூą®²ாą®• ą®Ŗெą®±்ą®±ą®¤ு. ą®‡ą®¤ிą®²் ą®Ŗுą®•ą®“்ą®Ŗெą®±்ą®± RDJ ( Ironman ) ą®’ą®°ு ą®®ுą®•்ą®•ிą®Æ ą®•ą®¤ாą®Ŗாą®¤்ą®¤ிą®°ą®¤்ą®¤ிą®²் ą®Øą®Ÿிą®¤்ą®¤ுą®³்ą®³ாą®°். ą®‡ą®Ø்ą®¤ ą®Ŗą®Ÿą®¤்ą®¤ிą®©் ą®•ą®¤ை, ą®®ą®©ą®Øą®² ą®®ą®°ுą®¤்ą®¤ுą®µą®°ாą®• ą®µேą®²ைą®Ŗாą®°்ą®•்ą®•ுą®®் ą®Øą®®ą®¤ு ą®¹ீą®°ோą®Æிą®©் ą®•ைą®¤ிą®•ą®³ை ą®µிą®šாą®°ிą®•்ą®• ą®šெą®©்ą®±ாą®°். ą®…ą®™்ą®•ு ą®’ą®°ு ą®Ŗெą®£் ą®¤ą®©்ą®©ை ą®¤ிą®©ą®®ுą®®் ą®‡ą®°ą®µு ą®’ą®°ு ą®Ŗேą®Æ் ą®µą®Ø்ą®¤ு ą®¤ą®µą®±ு ą®šெą®Æ்ą®µą®¤ாą®• ą®•ூą®±ிą®©ாą®³். ą®†ą®©ாą®²் ą®…ą®Ø்ą®¤ ą®Ŗெą®£்ą®£ிą®©் ą®®ą®©ą®Øą®²ą®®் ą®Ŗாą®¤ிą®•்ą®•ą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗą®Ÿ்ą®Ÿுą®³்ą®³ą®¤ாą®• ą®•ூą®±ிą®µிą®Ÿ்ą®Ÿு ą®¹ீą®°ோą®Æிą®©் ą®…ą®™்ą®•ிą®°ுą®Ø்ą®¤ு ą®šெą®©்ą®±ுą®µிą®Ÿ்ą®Ÿாą®°். ą®šிą®² ą®Øாą®Ÿ்ą®•ą®³ிą®²் ą®¹ீą®°ோą®Æிą®©் ą®…ą®µą®°ą®¤ு ą®•ą®£ą®µą®©ைą®Æே ą®•ொą®²ைą®šெą®Æ்ą®¤ுą®µிą®Ÿ்ą®Ÿą®¤ாą®• ą®šொą®²்ą®²ி ą®…ą®¤ே ą®•ைą®¤ிą®•ą®³் ą®‡ą®°ுą®•்ą®•ுą®®் ą®®ą®©ą®Øą®² ą®•ாą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗą®•ą®¤்ą®¤ிą®²ேą®Æே ą®…ą®Ÿைą®¤்ą®¤ுą®µிą®Ÿ்ą®Ÿą®©ą®°்.

ą®Žą®©ą®µே ą®¹ீą®°ோą®Æிą®©் ą®…ą®™்ą®•ிą®°ுą®Ø்ą®¤ு ą®Žą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗą®Ÿி ą®¤ą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗிą®•்ą®•ிą®±ாą®°், ą®…ą®Ø்ą®¤ ą®Ŗெą®£்ą®£ிą®Ÿą®®் ą®¤ą®µą®±ு ą®šெą®Æ்ą®¤ą®¤ு ą®Æாą®°் ą®Žą®©்ą®±ு ą®Ŗோą®²ீą®ø் ą®Žą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗą®Ÿி ą®•ą®£்ą®Ÿுą®Ŗிą®Ÿிą®•்ą®•ிą®©்ą®±ą®©ą®°் ą®Žą®©்ą®Ŗą®¤ே ą®‡ą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗą®Ÿą®¤்ą®¤ிą®©் ą®®ீą®¤ி ą®•ą®¤ை. ą®‡ą®Ø்ą®¤ ą®Ŗą®Ÿą®¤்ą®¤ிą®©் ą®•ą®¤ை ą®‡ą®¤ுą®¤ாą®©் ą®Žą®©்ą®±ு ą®‰ą®™்ą®•ą®³ாą®²் ą®šொą®²்ą®²ą®µே ą®®ுą®Ÿிą®Æாą®¤ு. ą®Ŗą®Ÿą®¤்ą®¤ிą®²் ą®Øą®Ÿிą®•்ą®•ுą®®் RDJ ą®Øą®²்ą®²ą®µą®°ா? ą®…ą®²்ą®²ą®¤ு ą®•ெą®Ÿ்ą®Ÿą®µą®°ா? ą®Žą®©்ą®±ு ą®•ą®Ÿைą®šிą®µą®°ை ą®•ą®£்ą®Ÿுą®Ŗிą®Ÿிą®•்ą®•ą®µே ą®®ுą®Ÿிą®Æாą®¤ு. ą®•ą®£்ą®Ÿிą®Ŗ்ą®Ŗாą®• ą®…ą®©ைą®µą®°ுą®®் ą®‡ą®Ø்ą®¤ ą®Ŗą®Ÿą®¤்ą®¤ை ą®Ŗாą®°ுą®™்ą®•ą®³்.

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